
reiki etc.

a while ago, an anonymous reader had posted a comment on my blog about reiki. i am glad i allow anonymous posts on my blog because i continue to be grateful for that post and think about it almost daily. also a while ago, i read a comment posted by n and c's friend about praying every morning and, in fact, spending the day with a prayer in one's heart (i bet my recall is entirely inadequate - please correct me if you can).

i've been thinking about both for a few days, and it seems to me they relate to each other considerably. when i am grateful to every object - animate or inanimate - i think and feel with a sincerity towards it. i have tried to incorporate this habit into my daily life (it is not difficult to do, i encourage you to go for it) and find it keeps me more at peace. i fold my towel and clothes neatly when i am done with them, i put on and take off my shoes unhurriedly, putting them in their place when i'm not wearing them. i also toss trash into the garbage gently, and am careful while i open and shut doors so as not to slam them. feeling grateful towards each of these inanimate objects (needless to say, this transfers to animate objects as well) involves a sincerity that is not much different from the sincerity i feel within as i pray. the heart, then, is 'emptied of all but love' (ref). this practice has greatly aided my effort towards the goal of carrying a prayer in my heart through the day. it brings further affirmation that peace comes from making every action, every activity a spiritual practice. no?

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