

this was a chaotic day. so many faces... was images of india always like this? perhaps. i could feel my mind being pulled in a myriad directions. was warmed by the presence of close friends, as by the presence of the not-so-close and special regardless. saw faces i hadn't seen in eons, in years, in months, weeks, and then just days. realized how out-of-it i was as i fumbled with associating names with faces... and a second later felt miserable that i had failed to recognize. segments of my life from the last several years flashed past my eyes. am i still the same person? why do i feel so different then?

the day was beautiful nevertheless. and not least for the rainbow that appeared as we drove across the dumbarton. nor for the moments that were relived today. and not even for the moments that we hope we shall relive someday....

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