
the ego

i read recently (where and what exactly, i can no longer remember :() that while many spiritual texts talk of the ego as being undesirable, it is not always 'bad', and has its purpose to serve in the maturing of a human being. as an infant grows into a child and a child grows into a young adult, several changes take place within. the infant must learn to walk, to speak, to eat, thereby understanding the realm of his/her physical existence. the child must learn to acquire knowledge, to construct social ties, thereby understanding the role that he/she plays in a familial, social, and cultural context, and developing slowly into an adult who possesses a functional understanding of the world. in each of these processes, it is the ego that allows the individual to gauge and understand his/her sphere of existence, indeed to collect data points from this world and form a worldview that is his/her own.

at this point, however, the ego has served its purpose. data has been collected, it must now be analyzed. when is there enough data? when is it time to analyze? i don't believe there is a correct answer to these questions, but there comes a time when one knows it is time. and then must commence a breaking-down process, whereby all notions held dear to heart must be brought under the magnifying glass and reconsidered. lama surya das refers to this as a deconditioning and reconditioning process that we must go through, to abandon egoic attachments and discover a deeper truth. the truth that love is all there is. that love is all there need be.

my prayer today is that we all undergo this process, and that the time comes sooner rather than later. may god enlighten all beings.


Adu said...

hmm...this reminds me of the conversation we had the other day, where i said that the "shredding of your ego" ought not to entail an unlearning of all the wisdom and instincts you've acquired over the years about human nature.

your post confuses me though, why should the breaking down of the ego involve a cessation of data collection and analysis?

Adu said...

oh, sorry misread...data analysis doesn't need to cease :) nor collection other, i suppose :)

8&20 said...

yes, it doesn't :). but thanks for making me double-check my words :).

Adu said...

btw, regarding our earlier conversation on minds and souls and detachment...wouldn't it seem that little kids minds would be the closest to their souls? and yet they too succumb to fear. that suggests that it cannot be that souls know only love.

Adu said...

oi, btw,...pray for the right thing to happen, not for what you think is the right thing :) :p

okay okay, i'm spending far too much time on this blog. let me watch some seinfeld instead.

8&20 said...

i'm also spending too much time on my blog.

but at this point i'm going to sternly point out to you that you must not expect me to provide all answers and defend my beliefs no matter what :x

give me more time :). in the meantime, raise questions, but remain detached from the hope of getting your answers :P.