
an early realization?

i am learning to detect the seeds within me - of different emotions, of virtues, of thoughts. today, when i detected a seed of weakness, i longed to hold on to a pillar of strength. i looked around, and thought much, but found none. but so far, i had only looked outside of me. the second i looked within, i found what i was looking for.

and the realization dawned: the only strength that can truly cure us in times of need is our own. the strength of outer sources offers only to soothe, not cure. in time it vanishes, and we are left to discover the truer truth within.


Amrithaa said...

truer truth...how true :D

Amrithaa said...

Check this out:

A lucid read on how if we make the effort to fearlessly plumb the depths of our souls, we will surely be rewarded with 'self-realization', bringing us closer to a more supreme reality.

8&20 said...

aa: i liked this very much. thank you for sharing.

i am reading today about the importance of the sangha, and it is people like you who form that for me - who encourage and nurture this spiritual quest in different ways and forms, intended or unintended - indeed, just by being you. thank you :).