
god bless america

before we lose ourselves amidst talks of barack obama as president and what he will or will not do to bring about change, i pray that we pause for a minute to think long and hard about the historic occasion we are immersed in at this present moment. be this change for better or for worse, it represents the victory of hope, and of forces that have waited long and painfully for this day. it represents the unity of a diverse people, people who have realized their responsibility and selected their leader with an overwhelming majority. so thank you god - for a new leader, for democracy, and for moving presidential addresses :). and may we all come together in our prayers for a rejuvenated america, a revived american dream, a healthier environment, a stable economy, and world peace.


Bright Butterfly said...


I'm reminded of a patriotic song I learned as a child:

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.

Amrithaa said...
