
thank you for the music!

recently, i've been blessed with several musical masterpieces in my mailbox (thank you, p!). this morning, moved immensely by the magic of sarah mclachlan, i created an itunes playlist for the very first time (so it seemed), and was tripping with joy as i transferred all these beautiful pieces onto my phone.

walking to school has never been so pleasurable. i had my earphones on (yes, exactly like those ipod listeners that pearls before breakfast was so disapproving of), and the sound of music drifted through my veins, ever so tenderly. the playlist was in shuffle mode, and each song brought surprise and joy. the rain was mild and gentle, and it felt lovely as the drops touched my face to mandy moore singing under my umbrella... i was so inspired along my walk, i even stopped to take pictures along the way. here's one for you, of a lone daffodil:

as i neared the department, i was only a trifle disappointed that an ordinary miracle was yet to come. i contemplated forwarding the current song to get to it, and then decided not to intervene with the dharma of the shuffle process :). and now you probably know what's coming (though i didn't at the time): the very next song that played was an ordinary miracle. and it was the last song i was able to listen to fully before reaching my class. an ordinary miracle indeed.


Adu said...

another divine coincidence happened, that you're not aware of :)

p said...

right, a? I usually take miracles in my stride :P, but this one is spooky .. ha ha

8&20 said...

okay. waiting for someone to enlighten...

8&20 said...

actually, the miracle was pretty amazing (/spooky), i now realize. especially because i very rarely desire to post photos, and because it was a rather strange place to stop and take a photo too - the light for crossing the street was green, and i held myself back and decided i had to stop and take the photo. today was definitely a first.

p said...

yeah, same here.. totally random place to stop, totally unexpected to find a tulip there, and the bright and burning colors..

And I was singing ordinary miracle :D

Wait, was the time 8:20? :)
Well.. no.. ha ha

8&20 said...

i was singing o.m. as well :). the time was around 10.15am :). that's when i was walking to school.

not 8.20. so funny :).

magicfarawaytree said...

Have you heard "When She Loved Me" by Sarah McLachlan? I love it!