
@red rock

it's been a while since i appreciated the simple things in life on the blog; i take pleasure in doing so now. we went to cp for lunch today, after ages and ages, and i loved it - the sunshine, the company, the food, the conversation, no conversation, all was perfect. i even extracted somehow the luxury of a short afternoon nap after all that food, and it felt blissfully indulgent. thoughts of the approaching indian heat filled my heart with joy, and even the potentially stress-filled days that may precede it were not enough to pull me down. there was serenity in the air, and an openness to embrace whatever life has chosen to bring my way. is the book doing its magic on me?

i'm at the very red red rock cafe right now, and the latte i ordered (an experiment, i should add) is so amazing, i rejoice in being mindful of every sip. and i cannot help but be moved by the way the inside of the cup shows traces of the drink i slowly consume. even the red of the cup and saucer is the perfect red. hallelujah plays in the background, definitely one of my recent listening favorites. i look out of the window at the cars passing by and all is bathed in warm, refreshing sunlight. ah, spring! i run out of charge for my laptop, and need to switch tables with someone else so i can be at a power outlet. he kindly obliges. my power cord is so short that i need to ask another person to shift his table down and he kindly obliges too. i cannot but be amazed by the kindness folks around me so readily seem to shower. there is so much sheer goodness in this little space of a world around me. all i need is to keep the inner radio tuned thus...

and now i must get to one of my many final papers. working in this warm embrace will be joyous indeed. thank you, red rock! i'll leave you now with one of my all-time favorite songs - the simple things, by rebecca lynn howard. and a few lines from it as bonus:
The thunder and the rain
The way you say my name
After all the clouds go by
The simple things remain
The sun, the moon, the stars
The beating of two hearts
How I love the simple things
The simple things just are

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