
real is beautiful

you know when the moon seems larger than life? when it seems closer to the earth than usual? when it feels like you could reach out and pluck it out of the sky? i did not know why that was the case until recently. when a dear friend told me it was merely an illusion, i felt cheated out of a blissful notion of the moon's beauty. when i expressed the disappointment, i received a response that planted a seed deep within: that there was beauty to behold despite the knowledge of this truth. that one did not need to fool oneself into fooling oneself. there. that was the beauty of it.

:) years later, when i recalled those words today, i felt a spring in my step (it was on my walk home). i don't know why i'd felt cheated really, because i agree whole-heartedly. the beauty of life is not in imagining things to be one way or another. it is simply in perceiving it as is. it takes so little to be blown away.

remember einstein's words? i clearly (and happily) belong to the camp that considers every little (and big) thing a miracle.

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