
stories do help

as i walked back home this evening, i saw a glass canister of parmesan cheese lying on the sidewalk. it had broken in two pieces. my first instinct was to dodge and walk on by, and then i remembered the story we'd read in school, years ago - raaste ka pathhar (the rock in the way). it's a story about a king who wishes to test his subjects, and he places a rock in the middle of the road. it is long before a noble soul actually makes the effort to move the rock out of the way. and as one would hope, the king rewards him generously. 

this story, like others we read, had planted a seed within that i was able to water today. today was my turn. life had placed an obstacle for me that i could remove - not only for myself, but for others too. and i did - i picked up the pieces and dumped them into the trash. and then thanked life for giving me this chance.


Adu said...

hmm, interestingly, once when i was in 3rd grade, on my way back to my seat from the teacher's desk, i bent down and picked up a piece of paper on the floor, and set it aside on a nearby table. immediately a voice boomed out from behind the teacher's desk: "well done, s! i've been watching for an hour, and many of you have gone by, but you're the only one who thought to pick it up!" :)

Anonymous said...

Now wait for the rewards.

8&20 said...

adu: well done, s!

anon: not waiting :). refuse to wait. life is not about the rewards :). the reward was the granting of that opportunity, and that is all.