
will you vote for me?

I Vote For You For God

When your eyes have found the strength
To constantly speak to the world
All that is most dear
To your own

When your hands, feet, and tongue
Can perform in that rare unison
That comforts this longing earth
With the knowledge

Your soul,
Your soul has been groomed
In His city of love;

And when you can make others laugh
With jokes
That belittle no one
And your words always unite,

Does vote for you.

Hafiz will vote for you to be
The minister of every country in
This universe.

Hafiz does vote for you my dear.
I vote for you
To be

oh dear hafiz, will you vote for me? for i want nothing more than to see the world with eyes that speak with all that is most dear to me, than to speak and act only in ways that feed this starving soul, to laugh well but only so as not to belittle, to strive incessantly for greater peace and unity among all. vote for me, hafiz. your one vote may just make all the difference.


Amrithaa said...

oh my dear sg! you never cease to delight! thanks for sharing this beautiful hafiz gem :)

Amrithaa said...

what an ideal for speech; a laugh that doesn't belittle and words that unite...we must all erect mental stop signs, stop, look and go, in speech, no, even in the synthesis of thought to uproot anything that in unkind, untrue or unnecessary as you adh earlier blogged about...but how beautfilly such mystical poetry drives home that point eh...words must be thus...:)

8&20 said...

talk about thoughts intersecting. just as you wrote this comment, i was writing lines in my newer post with the true/kind/necessary trio :).

hafiz, you know, shoots right in. bull's-eye! you know what i mean?

Adu said...

what is sg?