
"i hear god laughing"

i was back at pegasus today, where i purchased two more consolidated works of hafiz. have i mentioned just how amazing pegasus is? another time, perhaps. for now we'll focus on hafiz. "would you think it odd?", he asks:
Would you think it odd if Hafiz said,

"I am in love with every church
And mosque
And temple
And any kind of shrine

Because I know it is there
That people say the different names
Of the One God."

Would you tell your friends
I was a bit strange if I admitted

I am indeed in love with every mind
And heart and body.

O I am sincerely
Plumb crazy
About your every thought and yearning
And limb

Because, my dear,
I know
That it is through these

That you search for Him.

these words sound magical to me, especially because i was on this mission not too far back. if there is one discovery that could be called the discovery of my india jaunt in the winter, it is that which is encompassed in this poem. thank you, hafiz. once again.

1 comment:

Bright Butterfly said...

I believe I just discovered this poem recently as well. It's so beautiful, and such a wonderful depiction of unity, how all religion really comes from the same One Source.