

experiences are a lot fuller nowadays, blessed as they are with increasing mindfulness. the spring break that just went by is the richest i've had (in all the years of being a student). in 10 days, it took me through a whirlwind tour of so many slices of life, i cannot but wonder. these things take time to unpack, but i'm in no hurry. when it is time to immerse, i dutifully oblige. time to reflect finds its way into my life when i least expect it. it is in the nature of time to be thus.

and now, as i return to my berkeley abode and look forth to the new week eagerly waiting on the start line, it is not yet time to immerse. nor is it time to reflect just yet. the cake is in the oven, and yes it will rise, but first, the batter must be given time to bake. and so i pause.

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