
hol(e)y socks!

i have a favorite pair of socks that i've been thinking about (a lot) lately. they weren't a gift from anyone, and in fact, i can barely remember where i got them and when exactly. so it isn't the genesis that gets me. i suppose it's just that they've been with me a long, long time (perhaps 7-8 years) and continue to look just as beautiful as they did when they first came into my life. except that they have holes now :(. and the holes are pretty big. like this big:

several thought processes have found root in these holes. at first, there was resistance. i couldn't care less whether they were holey or not. they'd been through life with me - loyally and lovingly. how could i not wear them just 'cos they were holey? and what's the big deal about holes anyway, i thought. does it really matter, in the larger scheme of things, whether socks have holes or not? and then - what if my clothes had holes? why do i need clothes without holes? why do i need clothes that look good? for whom? for people who care? do i care about those who care? oh dear... we know where that strain goes.

i have been there. and there. and there. and now i am here: they're socks. i loved them. i wore them with joy, indeed every single time. but they've lived their life. and what better life to have led than a life of love, of appreciation? time it is (yes, was) to part. gracefully, and with dignity. indeed, 'tis better late than never...

to let go.


Marvin said...

sahi mein you have become *strange*.

i mean socks. socks? socks?

(repeat for emphasis, please)

8&20 said...

i was strange, marvin :). i'm improving now... sort of :).

Adu said...

ha ha ha ha :) awesome pic. how did you take it?

PeeVee said...

i looooove the pic :)

8&20 said...

adu: i sat on a chair, crossed one leg over the other, pointed the toes downward, perpendicular to the floor, so that the heel was facing me directly, and clicked with my phone :).

pv: danke :).