
the pettiness metric

i've been meaning to blog about this for a while, and the time this post has taken to materialize has only seen further evidence of its truth value.

last year, i found myself in a situation where i was unsure about which path to take and needed advice. the friend i was speaking to gave me her advice and added, "i know i'm being petty." that's where the pettiness thread started (yes, is it not amazing the way that words can change our lives, move mountains?). in these months, i have realized that one largely fool-proof and easy way to tell whether one is doing the 'right' thing or not (i.e. upholding one's dharma or not) is to ask oneself, "am i being petty?" it seems to pull me out of indecision in no time at all.

there, i just wanted to share that with you (and my future self, should there fall such need). don't be petty. it just isn't worth it.

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