
open sesame

the blindfold is removed and i walk with my eyes open for the very first time. there is a newness to the world, and as i find day after day, there is more to it than i had ever imagined. in recent times, i have grown to appreciate so many many new foods, restaurants, music and genres of music, books and genres of books, indeed people and genres of people as well. the walls have been brought down, the doors and windows opened. with this openness i learn to embrace anew the great wonders of this world that surrounds me. it has not once disappointed. not once. and the rewards seem to find me unfailingly every day.


Bright Butterfly said...

This post makes me very happy. :)

8&20 said...

thank you, bb! i wonder if it isn't a tad presumptuous... i mean, i am sure there are other blindfolds that need to be removed... after all, there are layers upon layers to our existence. but life does not disappoint, that is true...