
the progression of time

i cannot believe it's october already. where did all the other months go? what about july? i hardly ever experienced july. even august is a blip. and september flew by all too quickly. this feels rather unfair! i also do not appreciate the fact that every year must come to an end. i do not want this one to. and in general, i don't think years need an end in the first place. can we not just have months go on, like user ids or social security numbers? i wouldn't mind, at all, if months went into hundreds and thousands. like this one, for instance, could simply be month 24,379. and that would be great.

and then, we could become even more advanced, and not end months either (though that appears to me to be less complicated/tedious/painful). we could just have minute 231,543,367. and then the next, and the next. what do people think?

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