
of energy innate

perhaps - it is a conjecture - each of us is born with a fixed amount of energy within. innate human energy, just like hydro-electric energy, may then be channeled in various ways, and the manner in which it is channeled determines eventual efficacy. just as a big part of learning how to swim well is to make efficient use of our energy to propel ourselves forward, so is it with life. we must use the energy we are given - channel it in ways that will be constructive to us - in order to achieve our goals better. the more energy we are blessed with, the more incumbent upon us it is to work hard in order to prevent unintended misuse. if hitler's energies could have been put to good use, would not the world today have been a very different place? when we expend our energy on aimless diversions, we have less to expend on the things that really matter. outwardly, this may affect our work, our pursuit of various interests, our relationships with our peers, etc. inwardly, we lose out on honing our energies towards becoming a better human being - and who knows what we could achieve if we only tried....

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