
of prayers

why doth thou tempt me thus with thy writings?

i grew up in a convent school where these prayers were oft recited. st. francis of assisi was the saint our school owed its existence to. i am surprised that i needed to be reminded of these words, and touched that i was. is it not funny and strange and absolutely fascinating - all at the same time - how we seek recognition and appreciation of our state of mind in the words of philosophers of the world and find with them deep satisfaction?


Amrithaa said...

Yes, true 'aha!' moments...a curious thing life and experience- like a trickle of water seeping in through the cracks in the ground, penetrating layer by layer, until it hits the very bottom...at that point, knowledge becomes realization...

Bright Butterfly said...

So odd and true, what you say, that we find comfort / affirmation in the words of others... (why else would any of us be exploring the blogosphere?)
Often things need only be expressed in minutely different terms by another for us to have these "aha!" moments of awareness.
What is life if not an attempt to, in some form, validate and better understand our own experiences, and, ultimately, to grow from these? We're all here to help one another to grow, and certainly some sagacious thinkers get us a little further along that path. And when that teacher's deeds exemplify their words, cannot we trust even more in the veracity of their claims and musings?

8&20 said...

bb&aa: your words should be posts in themselves, not just comments :).

'tis true - we search for a little of ourselves in others. and when we find us, we try to look further to see what other parallels we can draw. like here, i find "hmm... should i accept the situation i am given thus?" well... or... should i be strong and overcome it? how do i know the difference? the quote makes me think one step further in my search. it brings me, thus, one step closer to the truth.

yes? no?