
love begets love

and so it is with compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and all things good. a proposed that one tends to attract like-minded people, and so if one is compassionate, one attracts compassionate people. i tend to take that one step further and believe that we are all like-minded beings. compassion begets more compassion, and understanding begets greater understanding. all we need to do is open ourselves to being compassionate... indeed, it is all about doing unto others as you'd have done unto you.

wow. isn't that just an amazing concept? is not this world an amazing place? that there is no law of conservation of love or of compassion? that they can grow continuously, limitlessly?


Adu said...

to which a said, "does this mean that noone showed Hitler any compassion all his life?"

Adu said...
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8&20 said...

to which a said, "one would have to read mein kampf to find out" :P

Adu said...

no actually, she spelt it as 'kamf', accidentally.

i think she meant "associates with" rather than "attracts" btw.

8&20 said...

but how do you know it's a she?

Adu said...

divine intuition

Bright Butterfly said...
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Bright Butterfly said...

I think that love and compassion are boundless...
there's an old song I used to love as a kid: "love isn't love until you give it away, give it away, give it away, love isn't love until you give it away... you just end up having more. It's just like a magic penny, hold it tight you won't have any, lend it spend it you'll have so many they'll roll all over the floor... oh, love isn't love until you give it away..."

8&20 said...

that's beautiful, bb! and so, so true.