
global warming

the problem of global warming is an interesting one. at least from what i understand, it appears to be the single problem that citizens of the world are willing to solve as one. the earth may indeed be in grave danger, but in that this problem helps to bring people together in spite of their differences - i think it does considerable good. in some form or another, we all have an ideal to achieve - to use less energy, consume less, reduce our carbon footprint. scientific reasoning tells us it's the way to go, otherwise we (or our children, or our children's children) will all be doomed.

but there are no scientific facts that tell us to become better people, and how (or are there?). nothing that tells us that kindness, honesty, or love are virtues to uphold. there are no facts that say - if we each do not love x amount each day, the earth will be in danger of destruction. are there no ways for us to quantify these things? if only so that each of us may have an ideal to strive for? to show x amount of love, y amount of kindness, z amount of forgiveness in this world? until science becomes so advanced, we must strive to answer these questions at a personal level, for ourselves. like other things we own, this life too is a gift. how may we best preserve it, and with what ideals, is really the gazillion-dollar question.


Anonymous said...

Science ?

Amrithaa said...


could be a start...

8&20 said...

anon: i didn't understand your question, sorry :(.

aa: that was a beautiful reference. please don't stop reading my blog - i would have much to lose without your comments :).

Anonymous said...

How far does science take you? It is not a panacea to all ills.It only takes you thus far, and each successive generation goes a little farther.Perhaps we`ve just reached a nano bit.The beyond is incomprehensible.If life had been laid out for you as a curriculum course ie x bit of this and y bit of that to be done to achieve perfection?, Nirvana? etc, would there be any joy in living.
It is the excitement of the unknown and our constant preparation for it, the discoveries we make each new day.

8&20 said...

anon - i am with you entirely. and as for "until science gets there", i was merely kidding :). i do hope science never gets there, and that we - each of us - attempts to resolve these questions for ourselves. the link that aa posted above is especially helpful, i think.