
on blogging, again

every now and then, i am touched and amazed by the insights people bring to me based on my blog posts. a reminder that unless one is willing to put oneself 'out there', one could easily miss out on the beautiful thoughts that people could brighten one's life with. is this along the lines of "giving of oneself"? i think so. giving of material possessions is easy to do, easy to live with, and easy to get over. when one shares oneself with the world, with mankind, one opens a channel of communication that goes both ways. and who is to limit the lessons we can learn, then?! and perhaps, there is a chance, that what we share with the world could help them learn some of their lessons better? presumptuous, but there is a chance. we must not squander it.

blogging is essential :). hence, proved.


Anonymous said...


Preserving the past for your future.

In the days gone by, it was called keeping a diary or a journal except that it wasnt a public document and you didnt seek comments on it.Do the comments help ?

8&20 said...

anon: the comments do help - is what i meant to say. they bring in insights that i may not have considered, on subjects that i have given some thought. that - to me - seems like invaluable input.