

this week has been equally divided between stanford and berkeley, and i find myself confused and energized at the same time. the cultures of both places are so diverse and so beautifully enriching in their own way; i am grateful to have the privilege of availing of the best of both worlds.

i had scheduled a meeting today with my ex-advisor at stanford to tie up another loose end. it's been months since we met, and while i'd expected a meeting not entirely pleasant, for varied reasons, i found myself in a conversation that was entirely beneficial in every way. it was honest and open on both ends, and led to remarkable realizations and insights i had not expected. i had assigned myself the task of silencing any resistance that found root in the ego, and the results spoke for themselves. i heard and understood better and more clearly than i ever had. i was no longer afraid to ask questions that needed answering. i was ready to listen to the worst, but it wasn't even bad.

this is a meeting i was apprehending. for days. our last few meetings had been conflict-stricken, and there'd been no reason for this one to not be as bad as all of them put together. on the contrary, i came out awe-struck and immensely grateful at how much good being open and honest could do. for both of us. there, another wall came down, as fear was transformed. and i cannot be thankful enough for these positive reinforcements that continue to strengthen my resolve to walk only the path of honesty and egolessness, silencing the fears.

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