

my thoughts rest on inquiry today, and how important it is for the health of the soul, the mind. a fear experienced that goes unresolved never fails to come back, though it might find different manifestations each time. and who knows what repercussions it might bring along with. i've come to believe, more and more, that the only way out of a fear is to transform it within, to work with it, argue lovingly with it, have pillow fights with it even, if necessary.

and right now, i'm not so concerned about the fears that are noticed but not yet transformed. they will be - it is a matter of time. i'm more concerned about the fears that go unnoticed. when my vision is not microscopic, i will only see these fears when they've turned into strong, hefty weeds. i need to be so aware that i can see the planting of each seed, as well as those seeds that are dormant, so that they are never watered. so that the weed is uprooted before it does any harm - to me and to those around.

i pray, today, for that microscopic vision. an internal microscope will suffice just as well.

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