
south-indian? really?

in my conversation with arif at the conference today (details to come soon), he asked me "you're from the south, right?". i jumped to defend my roots, telling him in more than a few words where i was from and the many places i had lived at. not that i have anything against being south-indian, not that i could afford to - with the 100 tam-bram friends that i have. but why, oh why, do i appear south-indian to people?

don't think i'm over-reacting, it's not just arif. it's pretty much everyone who meets me for the first time. south-indians included, mind you. it's been a while since someone met me and said "hi there, you look like you're from delhi". not that i want to hear that either actually, come to think of it.

i'd like to know, if you could please help... pray, what in my face looks south-indian, do you think?


Adu said...

hmm...i never thought it...but that might be cuz I never had a chance to conjecture for some reason?

but if i had to name ur most south indian feature...i'd say its your hair.

btw, i remember k.m. once saying that you looked very north indian.

8&20 said...

i think arif had lost it. and anyway, my hair was oh, so well tied behind my head. it could not be.