
oh no!

one of my friends in the u.s. just asked me if i'd been blogging. well, it's true that i have been, but not nearly to the extent that i can say i've maintained a travelog. i was hit by a pang of regret, an "oh, no!" for more than half my time in india is over (much more, in terms of happening-ness anyway) and i have little to show for it here.

for what it's worth, i shall make an attempt in coming days to record as much as i can, so that when i'm asked next "did you keep a travel blog?", i will be able to proclaim proudly - "yes".

on afterthought - it just occurred - it's quite okay after all. i could simply say that i spent the major chunk of my vacation doing and then took the time to write it all down. (not that anyone is interrogating :). this is for my own personal satisfaction.)

1 comment:

Adu said...

he he, i like the new tagline.