
the darned shorthand

i cannot handle sms speak. numbers instead of letters, for instance: the 4 instead of "for", u instead of "you", r instead of "are" etc. in fact, i have learned the hard way (over time) to handle each of these in isolation, but the sight of them all side by side is still impossible to take. and by that i mean, quite honestly, my blood starts to boil and my head starts to throb.

know that joke about what the boy said when he finished a glass of orange juice?

i liked that joke a lot when i first heard it. that was years ago. there was no cell-phone in sight, no sms/email/chat. i could take it.

the state today is beyond any tolerance level i can muster. can "wat" not be written as "what"? is that so hard? what about "right" instead of "rite". isn't "rite" a whole different word, after all? i can understand leaving out punctuation - commas and apostrophes - they take some typing overhead. true. but at least one could type out the right letters. it's even forgivable to type extra letters for emphasis, like "hiiii" and "noooo" for instance. but "tq" for thank you is inexcusable. (you! you're reading this aren't you?)

i find, these days, that when i type out full sentences, simultaneously trying to type fast as possible, it keeps my brain active. i am constantly framing proper sentences, at as high a speed i can manage. good mental exercise, and it comes for free. i urge you all to try it, you'll enjoy it - i promise!

please at least just try it. pretty please?


Shruthi said...

Thank you - for saying what I wanted to - but couldn't get around to do - as I get so worked up when I try to, that I can't write a single intelligible word.

Anonymous said...

Ma'am Shaktimaan. I do fully agree with your thoughts. Though, I still don't see how I will manage to use "you" instead of "u". It's so easy to err. Or was it humane to err?


Adu said...

what's oicurmt?

the ones that really annoy me are 'dat' and 'da' instead of 'that' and 'the'. Dey make da sentences sound awful.

but i like 'qt' :p

Akhil said...

oicurmt - "Oh I see, you are empty"

i like "tq"..very innovative :)

Adu said...

'qt' is far more innovative.

8&20 said...

akhil&adu: they are both rubbish.

shruti: so glad you agree! i've been thinking this for a while, but yesterday it really hit me - when i saw the chat transcript from someone else's conversation. (maybe it was easier to be critical because i didn't know them!)

lanky: try it. it will happen. but yeah, "u" is doable, as i said, in isolation. it's the whole "ur2gud" kinda stuff that breaks my head into pieces!