
oh, the unbearable lightness of being

everytime i go swimming i find new reasons to love it, to do more. it's been a while since i swam 20 lengths without touching the fins... (for those of you who don't know what fins are, consider them mini-flippers) and it was beautiful.

ideally, i'd like to be left in the ocean where i can swim and keep my eyes open to the ocean floor. i love looking under-water but all i see is people :(. i'd love to see a mosaic floor, little fishes (with a wall to separate us, of course), or even just little yellow duckies.

for when i lift my head out to breathe, i see the vast blue sky, with the sun about to set. i see the clouds coming together to keep out the sun, and bring rain - perhaps - in due time. although i cannot feel it, i know there's a breeze out there, waiting for me.

swimming is like floating unto the heavens.

the pool, with its water, now splashing, now gentle, ever so blue. and beautiful.

swimming is heaven itself.

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