
Monsoon Heaven

Like other moments that have been cherished forever, today offered one identifiable such as well. As A&A slept in the afternoon, the torrential monsoon downpour (the first real of the season that left most of the city flooded) afforded indispensable quality time at the sill of the living room window... letting the wind blow through me, and allowing thought of any kind to depart silently. The music on the radio helped tremendously in carrying me away. I knew the moment could not last, but I am grateful indeed to have added one more monsoon treasure to my life's gatherings. The others can be written about on another day.

There was something precious in this afternoon that words will not capture. C'est la vie.


Adu said...

hey, put up some pics of bombay if you get a chance! feel like i haven't seen it in ages!

Bright Butterfly said...

:) Brings me back to winter rains that brought floods, watching so mesmerized from my living room window...
I hope I'll get to experience a proper monsoon at some point.

You're in Mumbai now?

8&20 said...

adu: did so, and as soon as i got a chance, even before i saw your msg :).

bb: you sure will, undoubtedly. and yes, i was in mumbai as i wrote the post. since, i have been through several cities and am back in delhi for a short while.