
More on Malwa

Touched is what I am... by nature, the outdoors, by greenery, by rustic innocence, by devotional music, a love of people and of relationships, an appreciation for the little things in life that are not so little, by the moonlit skies, sleeping under the stars, by the unnoticeable passage of time, the pace of life, the water - for drinking, for washing, the food - simple, always shared, the spirit of the village life that I tried to imbibe (but there is more ground to cover), the people and their yearning for goodness, love, purity, even the flies that leave no ground uncovered, the lack of electricity but working around it, and the human spirit that is ever willing to adjust and to view life with a positive outlook, the truth that everything passes - all highs and lows, all comforts and discomforts, and that whenever there is a need for help, help appears.

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