

I was at Time Out yesterday, and although there wasn't a plan to buy anything (I've purchased quite a library for myself this summer, honestly), I picked up The Secret, read 30 pages, and couldn't resist. It's a quick read, and I finished all of it yesterday. True that most of the ideas had been encountered elsewhere, yet - I'm in love. It's an amazing package of positive thought, and intensely motivational.

There are many things in it that I'm struck by, and will take some time to write about these. For now, however, I'd like to leave you with this mantra - don't let a negative thought enter your head. As soon as it comes, find a positive thought to counter it. In fact, maintain a bank of positive thoughts. Think positive. Think love.

More soon :).


Gopal Singh said...

i m in love, i m in love :)

Mangala said...

Here is an amazing counter-view: http://humankindness.org/newsletter/spring07.html

I personally haven't read The Secret, but I was tremendously stirred by the article above.

8&20 said...

Gopal - control yourself :).

Mangala - gosh, thank you for the read. This post absolutely brings to mind the discomfort that had risen as I read the book. I am not too worried about turning Satanistic myself, since I have the humble backing of various other great writers/poets/philosophers/people as well, but I do wonder about those who are interested in amassing material wealth etc. and would like to use "The Secret" for it all!

The things I'd like to take away from the book are the following -
learning to focus on one's goals and visualizing them in one's life, not worrying about what one doesn't have or needs, learning to be grateful at all times (there is a story on this I shall share), having a repository of happy thoughts that make us think positively when we find ourselves slipping into negativity... etc.

All of these really hit home for me - they made me feel like I could be taking a *lot* more initiative for my happiness. And this does not take away from the understanding that to love and to give are the things that make us happiest in life (so I fundamentally believe).

Perhaps I should write a post which sounds a little more balanced from both perspectives rather than a "I've discovered the secret to the universe, I'm going to have twenty cars and fifty mansions by the end of this year... muahahahahahaa!"


Mangala said...

I'm sure you're in no danger from it LOL And the good things you listed sound like they'd definitely improve the quality of life.

As you said, it is probably a volatile thing to unleash on a materialistic society. But well, live and learn I guess. Choices, choices.