
the day that was (2)

a long day, it was spent almost entirely on work. no, i do not complain, for i am grateful that i had the chance today to assign all my attention, my focus, on working diligently. the day was not just about the paper though, for as i realize, a day is really built of infinitely many experiences. the world of thought is infinite, and with every moment - however short or long - we find ourselves considering a myriad thoughts, words, and actions.

i learned today that slowing 'it' down - really, literally - can be most insightful. on my nefeli break today, i wanted to slow down my mind and decided, therefore, to slow down my actions. i took slow steps, spoke slowly, opened and closed the door slowly, covered my coffee with a lid slowly, all along finding limitless satisfaction in every task. as i slowed down these life experiences, i felt that i had much more success with immersing myself in my surroundings. i noticed more people, more flyers, more windows, more people, more trees, more people, more leaves, more people... :). the sun was behind the clouds today, but it was not unfortunate, it was charming. and best of all, as i walked back to south hall, i felt washed over with a feeling of 'this is my place in the universe, and there is no other place i'd rather be - in this time, this moment'. this thought is so often true, but how many times do we think it? how many times do we let it settle in us, as we go about our business?

as i walked back late in the night and the mild raindrops touched me ever so gently, all along the way, i realized that i was grateful to be alive - to be able to breathe in the cold, gentle air, to be able to look and smile at passers-by, to be able to give change to a homeless person who asked for some, to be able to just be.

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