
oh, for the news

in india, i like mornings best. i love getting up early to go for our morning walk to lodi gardens, even if it means struggling to overcome the desire to continue sleeping - every morning, without fail. in the monsoons, the mornings are so beautiful. it is not yet humid, and the sun is not yet out. the sky, too, looks freshly awoken.

when we come back home, mom makes chai for all of us, which we drink as we read the newspapers. there is also the badaam soaked from the previous night, which i am always too lazy to peel. one of the parents does the needful :). but the best part of this exercise is really the news-reading. it is a pleasure to devour the news, paper after paper - be it entertainment news, the economic times, the editorials, or just the frontpage headlines (perhaps i should have put these in reverse order). the process of going from start to finish is uber-delightful.

i miss this time of day most. luckily, i now have the e-paper to help provide some semblance to mornings in india! it's great! i can turn it page by page, read the headlines one by one, and decide what articles to read more in detail. at the end of the exercise, i feel like i'm in touch with the world. quick and easy. satisfaction supreme.

nothing can bring me quite as close to home as i'd like, but the e-paper tries. that's what counts.

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