
chapter one

it took me a long time and most of the world to learn what i know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while i was chained to a wall and being tortured. i realised, somehow, through the screaming in my mind, that even in that shackled, bloody helplessness, i was still free: free to hate the men who were torturing me, or to forgive them. it doesn't sound like much, i know. but in the flinch and bite of the chain, when it's all you've got, that freedom is a universe of possibility. and the choice you make, between hating and forgiving, can become the story of your life.

this is shantaram's insightful and thought-provoking beginning. it is something of a comfort to realize that what is within, is in our control. what we make and break of it - our decision entirely.

i love this book, dearly and deeply. so much so that i read 10 pages and then read them again, and each read is a pleasure in itself. a literary masterpiece. yes, i can tell from the first 20 pages that i've read.

(an earlier reference)


Adu said...

hey, have u turned off some rss feed notification or something? cuz i don't see "new posts" in my reader. fix it fix it!

Adu said...

the paragraph is insightful. incidentally i don't think i would have the strength of character to realize the "world of possibilities" open to me in such a moment.

Anonymous said...

the lord be thanked!!

i managed to sneak in my name on the covers ;-)

smart eh?

8&20 said...

adu1 - i didn't do a thing. since when did this problem start? let me ask other google reader readers.

adu2 - don't quote wrongly :). "universe of possibility" - and that does not necessarily refer to all other possibilities i think, but just that there is much scope. no?

red - this lord thing better stop soon :). and yes, smart. i am eternally grateful. even though i already had the book :P

Abheek Anand said...

It *is* an excellent book isn't it? I especially liked his description of train journeys in India, and the epilogue on how he wrote the book while in jail. Funny how those two are the first things that come to mind 2 years after reading the book.

Love the blog. Keep posting, and see you around on campus sometime.

8&20 said...

abheek - what a pleasant surprise to see you here. and yes, the book is amazing. i can't seem to put down most books i like. this one, i want to put down so i can prolong the read!

Shruthi said...

You might like to read - http://nychthemeron.blogspot.com/2006/10/shantaram-by-gregory-david-roberts.html

8&20 said...

i'm on page 23!! and already i know so much more about the book.

ok, wiping it clear now.

i shall re-read that post when i'm done with the book, akka :).

Shruthi said...

Ooooops.... were there any spoilers in there? were there? were there? I am sending the confundus charm your way, long distance... ok, slate clear.

Akka? ahem ahem... :D

8&20 said...

no no, no spoilers... how could a book review contain any spoilers. come on - you've got to be kidding!
