
goodbye, fall wednesdays!

i couldn't retire for the day before celebrating with you the demise of my last fall wednesday, blog. it was a busy day, completely packed in from 9am to 8pm, but finally it did come to an end. finished writing up a problem set early this morning, submitted it, then took a breather at bytes, went back for a lunch meeting at tresidder, attended 333a lecture (just two more to go, thank god), went to ideo for a field trip (which - by the way - was fantastic), rushed back to attend a treacherous seminar, and was finally done at 8. it was certainly a joyous end though, and n's being around made life seem a lot less painful. especially since she had so much work to do still :P. as for me, i'm taking the night off. just went for a long, meandering walk to take in some cool night air. i would absolutely love to snuggle into bed and read page 24 of shantaram. alas, i am fully aware that i shall have fallen asleep before the page is over.


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