
make it stick

today at the d.school, chip heath (professor at the gsb, stanford) gave a presentation on sticky ideas - on what makes them stick. it was a great presentation, though i've already read much of the book he wrote. we all discussed news stories that had struck a chord/conversation for us, and why. for the most part, it's because they are unexpected in nature. unexpected = crazy, though. our team came up with the britney story, from not too long ago. another group came up with a news item about the death of a politician in delhi on being attacked by monkeys. did this really happen? yet another was about a serial killer who went about killing 60 people because he was mad that he had lost his dog.

when you hear these kind of stories, and think about what's making them stick, you really wonder, don't you? :) it was sticky enough (for me) that pakistan's in a state of emergency. my group-mates didn't think so, but i guess they're not indian.

did you know that you only use 10% of your brain? well no, not really. it's an urban legend, but gosh - a good one, don't you think? 90% of our class had heard of it!

the stickiest story i could think of in the news was that of pluto losing planet status. it made me sad. that struck a chord.

f minor.


Adu said...

there wuz also this follow up slate article on what to do if you're attacked by monkeys:


i love slate. it once had an article on what to do if you're in a car that falls in to a body of water. something i've always wanted to know.

Adu said...

what britney story btw?