
grading woes

(if you're mrg, please don't read this)

the last few days have been grading hell. i would wake up and start grading, just as i would start other days with checking email. i would fall asleep grading, dreading another morning of grading... i would grade every free minute i could fit grading into during the day. it was tough. but i did get it done. 9 problems for 70 people over about 3-4 days, 15-17 hours.

i was also able to become pretty efficient at the process. for instance, instead of opening a file, grading it, closing it, and then opening the next, i started opening batches - a to c, d to h, i to m, and n to w, and then the html files (six in number). i also learnt how to gauge whether the student knew what s/he was talking about (somehow) by picking out five words out of fifty. i cannot guarantee 100% consistency, but i'd say i came close. (though perhaps that was 'cos most people got a 100% on most problems :P) there was tons of copy/pasting going on, and i became an expert at the apple+v, apple+s, apple+w sequence (that's paste (the grade), save, and close).

i have to say that the joy i felt when i sent the mail saying i was done with my part was entirely unparalleled. with 3 class presentations tomorrow, i was still quite in the mood to celebrate. did so with a 2 mile loop around escondido, discussing siblings and no siblings, and rear window. that was fun. indeed.

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