
omni grab

tragically, i haven't played grab ever since i left. i have found some pleasant alternatives though. now, i am forever looking at words around me to see how they could be rearranged with a letter or two. and there is never a shortage of words around me, of course.

yesterday, for instance, i came up with these -
table - ballet
salt - slate, tales, tails, etc.
seacod - coasted
medicos - comedies
maggi - gaming - imaging
(there were more, but i'm forgetting now)

isn't it a good thing that the world is filled with words? earlier i was only obsessive about numbers - taking any two and thinking up all sorts of relations between them e.g. edit distance between my license plate and theirs etc. and, of course, the world is filled with numbers as well. now i am kept occupied on all long drives - to gurgaon, noida, etc. if nothing else, there's the sudoku. in fact, there are plenty sudokus because there are plenty newspapers.

on the topic of newspapers, i just love indian newspapers. they talk about everything - from india news to celeb news to fitness regimes to interior decoration to how to prepare for a speech... etc. and more importantly, i can understand and relate to it all. (not the celeb news - that's most fun for not being able to relate to :).

these days there's tons of excitement over "kaun banega rashtrapati?". sonia ji is, as usual, playing her games, and the rest of the country is, as usual, allowing her to. anyway, spice adds to variety in life :).


Adu said...

yday at n's housewarming, a.b. played a deadly game...two sets of scrabble letters combined...sadly my attention was flagging toward the end.

8&20 said...

yes, we played with those a few days before i left. it was awesome. all a result of our borrowing the letters from ab :). couldn't return them on time (before sat. afternoon) so asked am to pass on his own super scrabble letters. since then, perhaps, the exchange hasn't happened :).