

a while ago, when trb and i talked about the namesake, she told me about her favorite part of the book that had been omitted in the movie. she told me it was at the time when ashoke had come to the u.s. married, with wife in tow, and how he did not fully value her presence until he went with her to his previous landlady's house and she looked ashima up and down and called her a real lady... that from that day on, he had started to love and respect her.

as i was reading the book, i was looking forward to reading about this episode. but it never came, and i was soon done reading the book. how mysterious, i thought... perhaps i had simply skipped that part unknowingly somehow.

the mystery was solved shortly after, as i embarked upon the interpreter of maladies. i thought it would be an easier read now, since i was already very well acquainted with her style of writing. by some luck, i started from the last story, because the last time i had started from the beginning, and not gotten very far. it is this last story that had caused trb's memory lapse, this is where the above episode was from.

i love it when mysteries get solved almost as soon as they are created. so it is with keys, at least mine. soon as i happen to declare that my keys are mysteriously lost, i find them staring back at me. somehow. and it always seems like such a miracle :).

1 comment:

magicfarawaytree said...

hahahahaha so that's what it was!! *smacks forehead*