
interpreter of maladies

am done reading the set of short stories. some of them were mildly touching, some of them were blah. i felt like they all sort of had the right build-up, but seemed to simply fall off the edge without a good enough climax.

anyway, this book was a birthday present to me 6.5 years ago. i am pleased to say it has finally been read, that's all.


Adu said...

I feel that's the problem with a lot of short stories. A lot of build-up, and then, blah, no resolution. You're left with all these questions.

Adu said...

Although I suppose that is the intention?

8&20 said...

not so for roald dahl, among others. i wasn't even left with questions really. i was just left with a "what?"!

Adu said...

That's a question :) Ha ha.