
fundamental disconnect

don't you think it's rather ironic that we go through our formative years focusing on an 'education' (read - college degree) thinking we know what we want, when actually we are only just stepping onto the path of self-discovery? and that it is only as life progresses that we develop a better vision of who we are and why (we think) we're here, but by that time we're already done with making career decisions, more often than not....

isn't it ironic?
don't you think?


Adu said...

amen! it sucks that you're 'supposed' to have finished exploring by the time you've done ur bachelors and even suckier that you're really really really 'supposed' to have finished exploring by the time you've done your phd.

8&20 said...

whereas truly, the journey should begin here....

Adu said...

yeah, cuz u know urself so much better at this stage