
the ambulatory surgery center

hospitals and hospital visits are not usually any fun, but this one was such a unique experience that it is worthy of a post.

i was at the ambulatory surgery center of stanford hospital yesterday, finally undergoing treatment for a running injury that is 1.5 years old. s was kind enough to take me, and to stick around until i was done (thank you, s :). thankfully, they covered us for parking. (why though, i wonder?!)

we were completely stunned by the posh-ness of the hospital (or i was completely stunned while s was mildly intrigued). in fact, i don't know if one could even call it that, for it looked swankier than most 5-star hotels i've seen! there was a boutique on the second floor with wall-size display windows (for those who think the shopping center hasn't enough to offer, perhaps). the family waiting room (outside the surgery center) was gorgeous, and i'm sure s would have more to say about the restaurant downstairs....

the procedure itself did not take long, thankfully. i hadn't eaten (or had any water) since the previous evening so the crackers and 7-up liz gave me felt very welcome. she kept me 'under observation' for 15-20 minutes, then discharged me. i have to say that every nurse, every doctor, every person i interacted with there was perfectly pleasant, and had an overwhelmingly reassuring presence.

why can't all hospitals be like this one? :(

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