

gosh, there are clothes all over the house. i felt i'd pack up enough, but now, when i look up, i see no significant difference in the before and after :(. there are enough in the laundry room, then a gigantic pile on the couch, some in the bathroom, in the dresser of course, on the floor to be given away, and lastly - in the closet. i don't know how they'll ever fit anything at all.

i wish i wasn't so attached to every darn thing that came my way. a once said i could feel nostalgic about a doorknob. i'm not that bad, but i'm close. i used to have a bugs bunny pencil case (i wish i could remember where i had bought it) that turned up in the cleaning today. it had pencils that hadn't been touched in god knows how long. there was also a ruler that xenia had given to me, a light blue ruler that had a duck on it :) in true xenia style. and an eraser. i just couldn't get myself to chuck the pencils. even though they didn't hold any special meaning that i could remember. just to think that they were from a time long gone was enough. (i now get a vague feeling this was purchased in berlin, '99).

the event of the day was that i dialed s's parents' number to find out how i could get in touch with her. turns out her cell number hadn't changed since the last time we talked, but i had somehow assumed she was untraceable. gave her a call but she didn't answer, nor did she call back. my plan is to give her a call over the weekend but with the *67 prefix. that might be my only chance to get to speak to her :). sad face actually :(.

i also found it amusing to find that i owned a book called "basic complex analysis" :). it was even more amusing that 4 years ago this was not amusing to me at all :). this, and other books with similar nerd quotients, are hidden away in the laundry room closet, reflecting a personality diametrically opposite of that reflected by the rest of the house :). shh!

but this post was about clothes, sorry for the digression. what am i to do with all these clothes?! i wish i could just give them all away. in fact, some of them don't even fit me (but might some day!) and some of them are too big (but i might need them some day). i also have clothes i bought 4 years ago but they still have their tag on, but they're new, so i might still want to wear them when i'm looking for something new. and then i have a shelf-full of running clothes, but who knows, i might yet become fit enough to be again working out every day :). and then there are the indian clothes i have never worn here, but i might take them to india and wear them there sometime. and the orange vest i never wore cos it was too orange... well, someday it might not look that orange. there are clothes out of fashion now, but i'm sure they'll be back in trend someday...

fickleness is so hard to maintain!


Anonymous said...


8&20 said...

and what?

Shruthi said...

Gosh! That last paragraph sounds like me :)

8&20 said...

hey shruthi, glad to hear we have something in common ;). only difference being - it would be a bad idea if you gave away all the clothes that didn't fit :).

Adu said...

the last paragraph sounds like it could be made in to a poem...along the lines of 'new shoes, new shoes...'

Shruthi said...

Heh heh.. good one! Right now, only two sets of good clothes fit me - and both of them are borrowed ones ;)