
it grows on trees

just as we wish for bank accounts filled with money, i wish we wished for bank accounts filled with love. except that we wouldn't need banks and bank accounts anymore. if we ran out of space within, we could store our love wherever we wanted, let it overflow everywhere :) - in our garden, on the bus, in a smile on a friend's face, wherever. and we wouldn't need to worry about it not growing on trees, for love would - it does. the seed lies within us, after all. we need only water it - with our attention. and that isn't in finite supply, now is it?

the more i think about it, the more i'm of the view that all the troubles of the world can be solved by love. selfless love, to be clear. on a global scale, this would be hard to implement, but locally it's a lot easier. any feeling of unpleasantness can swiftly be replaced by one of love. if it is love that causes us pain (due to undue expectation, etc.), then more love is the answer :). the more selfless we can be in our love, the happier we will be. and no trouble in the world can hold a candle to the power of selfless love.


Adu said...

amen :)

Nikhil said...

quite a lovely thought... and think of how awesome an interest rate you get on your savings - for it all comes back to you a hundredfold...

Bright Butterfly said...

at least one hundred fold. what are we doing investing in our current flawed financial system? let's all invest instead in our love bank accounts!

Nikhil said...

cool. 8&20, u can be our banker.

8&20 said...

i can imagine no bigger honor, nikhil :).

Amrithaa said...

"if it is love that causes us pain.. then more love is the answer :). the more selfless we can be in our love..." How beautiful!

8&20 said...

aa: it is indeed a beautiful thought to mull over, is it not? in fact, the idea of spending a lifetime of effort growing closer to that ideal is an entirely lovely thought in itself :).

i've found that this simple rule works wonders in all kinds of situations - like when people cut the line when one waits in a temple, when the mobiles go off in plenty in the movie theatre, when the shopkeepers try their best to fleece you, etc. etc. all these things that would normally be annoyances now turn into reasons to smile. and the more one practices, the more one finds peace and happiness within... or so i find.

know what i mean? :)

8&20 said...

in fact, even the cockroach situation from the previous post led to fond amusement - no annoyance whatsoever. what power love has, honestly!

Adu said...

u love cockroaches. ewww.

just kidding :p

8&20 said...

adu: was the just kidding for the part about me loving cockroaches, or for the ewww? :)

do i love cockroaches? hmmm. next post.