
an apology to hornets

sri ramana maharshi, the story goes, once climbed arunachala and stumbled into a hornets' nest, then being stung on the leg and thigh. he felt remorse for having disturbed the nest.

questioned thus - by muruganar (one of his foremost devotees):
Sighting an overgrown, green-leaved bush, and
When stepping on it and stung by hornets to have legs swollen,
Venkata, in truth, why was an accidental intrusion
Treated without mercy, just as a wanton transgression?
sri ramana maharshi responded:
When I was stung by hornets in revenge
Upon the leg until it was inflamed,
Although it was by chance I stepped upon
Their nest, constructed in a leafy bush;
What kind of mind is his if he does not
At least repent for doing such a wrong?
do read it over, and ponder for a while. i did, and felt its enormous impact.

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