
the political compass

check out the political compass

i'm a ( -6.25, -6.82 ) at my conservative best.
where do you stand?


Adu said...

Uff...I tried it out again. This time , I was at (-2.88, -0.56) at my liberal *and* conservative best :) A little less bang in the middle this time. I think the shift in the economic leftness was due to just not knowing enough about economics/not being clear on the question to be really able to make up my own mind.

amrith said...

I got (-1.31, -6.21). I was a little closer to the economic center this time than last year, though probably within the margin of error.

Nikhil said...

(-3.38, -4). I'm happy being where I am :). At least I'm not as extreme as some other people......

8&20 said...

s was (-1.00, -2.51).

nikhil - that's close enough for you to be acceptable as a friend :)

amrith - i think you're fast moving towards g.w.

adu - what's with the fascism man?

Adu said...

ha ha, i like to think of it as moderation, not fascism. i'm a middle-winger through and through.

Adu said...

i think we should do this test every year and share our results to keep each other informed of our latest outlooks on life. i've done it thrice already (over a span of 2/2.5 years I think), and no significant changes yet.

8&20 said...

well, look at it from where i'm at. you're hitler only :). realm of worthwhile existence being one quadrant only :).

i think you used to be in a different quadrant 3 years ago though.

Nikhil said...

adu - as i told amrith and 8&20 yesterday, getting very different scores each year is probably more indicative of the test being flawed than our views changing significantly.... :)

its also interesting how 8&20 has basically shifted the coordinate system to situate the origin at (-6.25, -6.82) and define everyone else relative to that.....

magicfarawaytree said...

(-3.63,- 7.33)

thanks for the link! :)